Monday, November 10, 2014

A whole new look

This challenge has done several amazing things for me recently and everything seems to be falling into place. Through the month of October I put myself through a challenge that I pursued because I knew I needed the discipline. The discipline to complete a repeating task every day. To accomplish little by little a larger goal I have set in my dreams.

I am definitely a dreamer. I don't go a day without thinking up some wonderful idea for a new design or future plans for the bigger picture. Similar to most people, it is much more difficult to follow through with the dreams and goals I set forth. This challenge forced me to take the next steps toward those goals, and it was totally it.

Every day for a month I posted at least 5 items to my shop. I started out great, every day they were up and shared before the days end (some very late at night) but still they made it!  The purpose was to be consistent. If it had been any other time in my life I may have told myself "I will get that done tomorrow" or "I can finish this in the morning" and then putting it off again and again.

Some items were old pieces I have had laying around or packed up in jewelry boxes and some items are brand new collections. Days where I had the privilege to spend at least a few hours in my studio creating. Always with the hustle by the end of the day to get them photographed and listed.

I was able to share 155 items, some old some new. I was focused on creating new designs that are beginning to define my aesthetic and style.  I found many new ways to create the designs I have in store for the future and am learning the how to document my work and share it.

I have the freedom now to create new pieces without the old ones weighing me down. Most importantly, I was so overwhelmed with all the tasks ahead of me that I was struggling to chose a name and website for my business, which was holding me back.

Now everything just seemed to fall into place through this challenge! I am very excited to announce that my business will have a whole new look that connects my talent and passion with who I am and what I love. A new name, new colors, new logo, and a new beautiful website coming very soon!!

Monday Madness and first #Christmas show this weekend! This will be my look all week! #designer #coffee #handmade

via Instagram

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Dream Without a Plan is just a Wish.

This 5 a day challenge, sure is a challenge! It is keeping me super busy and someday's I think....WHY did I do this challenge right now?!....Why did I promise the WHOLE month...This is not a good time, I am too busy!

Well, it is never a good time to work hard. It is never a good time to push towards a goal. But, if you don't MAKE the time then you will never accomplish anything.

I heard a great quote the other day that's been helping me stay inspired... "A dream without a plan is just a wish."

This was such a great reminder for me as to WHY I started this challenge, because I have a dream. I want to be successful with my jewelry and I want people to adore it. I want to create beautiful things that can be worn and shared and past down.

So, this challenge I have learned a lot about myself. One thing I learned is that I try to make things WAY more complicated then they need to be. I just need to list 5 things, the purpose was mostly to get the hundreds of pieces of jewelry I have ALREADY MADE out there. No Kendall, that does not mean MAKE 5 new things every day. That is surely a good way to fail and that has almost happened several days this week. I spend the whole day created, making, experimenting, with new ideas and designs. Then its 9 pm and I haven't listed a thing.    I have to keep reminding myself WHY I started this challenge and just put out there what I already have.

There are a lot of new designs in process but you will just have to wait! ;)

To catch up on my 5 a Day Challenge read my original post here.
Also, you can see all my new work on my etsy shop listing every day until the end of the month!

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